Today, I went in to get Kendall from her crib as she was waking from a nap--and she gave me the biggest, gummiest grin, and I cried.....and cried....and cried.....
Technically, I should have returned to work 2 weeks ago--when K turned 12 weeks....but I decided early in my pregnancy that I was going to take a little longer than the typical 12 weeks. I will return to work the day Kendall turns 15 weeks.
Last time I posted, we were having a very rough time with Kendall's reflux. I am very happy to report that within days of that post--we got our happy girl back. The reflux medication she's on has helped so much, and she's pretty much outgrown the tummy troubles she was having (knock on wood!)
She amazes me each and every day. Watching her grow and learn new things....being more alert and smiling and melts my heart. I guess I never knew this type of love until she came along! (Yes, all those corny sayings about having kids are true!)
Come cute is she!?!? Can you blame me for wanting to stay home with her forever?
Well--speak of the devil--she's waking up now and is ready to eat--so I will write more soon. I plan on spending every second of every day staring at her during this next week. Seems so surreal that she's 3 months old already....seems like just yesterday....