Friday, August 26, 2011

Nursery Progress!

The nursery is coming along great and so is everything else! Baby H is growing by the day, and I am too! Here we are at 22.5 weeks!

See!? My torso is so short my belly has nowhere to go but OUT! Oh well--I think it's cute, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me smile every time I walk by a mirror :)

Excitement of the week = swollen feet! Ahhh! I thought that didn't happen until after 30ish weeks? I woke up on Wednesday morning and my feet felt "tight"'s hard to explain...they just felt different. So, I looked down--saw my feet, and thought "WHERE THE F ARE MY ANKLE BONES!?" I was mortified! I started poking at my feet trying to figure out whether they were really MY feet or if I was dreaming. I've always had slender, skinny, bony feet and I suddenly woke up with fat elephant feet, sausage toes and cankles! (for those of you who aren't familiar with cankles, it's when your calves and ankles just kind of mesh together--not cute).

I headed off to work and throughout the morning felt my shoes getting tighter on the top of my feet. I thought I'd slip them off and take a peek. To my horror--I could see INDENTS where the straps of my shoes were! Oh helllll no!

I texted Casey to tell him how weird it was that my feet were swollen and it wasn't even hot out. Bad idea. I got a series of text messages back along the lines of "you need to elevate them" and "you need to call the doctors" and "did you call the doctors yet?" Ay yi yi....

Eventually I did call the doctors office, just to be sure--and the nurse said as long as my blood pressure was still fine at home (it is--in fact, last I checked it was 96/68!) and as long as my vision was not blurry and I had no headaches, that swollen feet were perfectly normal. She said it could have been something as simple as too much sodium a couple days in a row. I'm sure the Shaw's chicken tenders for lunch and Costco pizza for dinner didn't help....oops.

Anyway, 2 days later my feet are still a little swollen but not as bad. They started to hurt last night but sleeping on my left side seems to help and by morning they aren't looking as monstrous anymore.

As far as the nursery goes--we've been on a ROLL! Here are some picture of the room to begin with. It was perfectly fine--but I wanted to change it a little.

Blah. Boring. White walls and off-white carpet? That is way too boring for a baby's room!

We picked out a pretty shade of medium gray (which the photos don't do justice!) Here's the grand reveal of the new walls:

Much better! But--the carpet just HAD to go. After all--I have my Ikea rug to put in there, and I'm not about to put a rug over carpet! We decided on laminate pine wood floors, instead of soft pine like we have throughout the rest of our house. Our cat scratches the soft pine, so I didn't want that in the nursery. It would be ruined so quickly! Here are some progression pictures of the flooring install. It went pretty quickly and easily (ha, Casey is the one who did all the hard work of cutting and measuring! I just passed him the boards and pressed down when he told me to!)

Beautiful! I absolutely love it! Don't mind the missing trim and the heat register which is off...those will be going back on soon!

Next step--put in the Ikea rug (unless it covers too much of the floor...then I'll use it for another room istead), put the crib together and get it in there, and put the wall decals on! I can't wait to see how those come out. 4 birch trees---so cute! The grand reveal will be coming soon....

On a sappy note...I love watching Casey work. Watching him work so hard on Baby H's room makes my heart melt--as corny as that sounds! He is such a hard worker and the way his brain works compared to mine is incredible. I could stand there for an hour scratching my head and trying to figure out how to tackle the flooring--but he gets to work so quickly and doesn't stop. I can see the wheels in his head turning as he's measuring and cutting and fitting everything together. I stood there most of the time asking dumb questions and making "suggestions" and he was so patient and would explain to me why my ideas wouldn't work. That is precisely why I was NOT in charge of this project. He made it look so easy and I was standing there scratching my head most of the time! He did such a great job and I'm so lucky to have such a hard working husband! He was on a mission to get that flooring started and finished the NIGHT he picked it up from Lowe's....I was thinking we'd wait until the weekend!

Other than that--life is good! We're having an open house on September 11th since we haven't had any luck selling yet, so we'll see what comes of that. At this point I'm perfectly content staying in our house until the baby is born, and then deal with selling after the new year. We'll see what happens....

That's all for now :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Nursery Makeover and Baby Registry!

There really isn't much to update this time around...things are going great, I'm still feeling great, and Baby H is growing like a weed. During the past week, I can't count the number of strangers who have said something along the lines of "Oh! When are you due?!" or "How far along are you!?" All I can think is "Wow, good thing I am really pregnant--because THIS would be awkward!"

One of these times I might say "I'm not pregnant." and see how they react.. :)

Things are starting to come together--as far as all the little things that were stressing me out. We bought the crib (!!) and it's currently sitting in a box in our garage, waiting to be put together. Here's a sneak peek at the one we ended up buying:


Isn't it beautiful!? Not too boyish, not too girlish...the perfect blend of "in between"--especially with the fabric I've picked out for the bedding. I won't give it away completely, but this is what I've ordered for fabric (and should be arriving tomorrow!)

Eeek....can't wait to get started on everything! We've also picked out the paint color for the nursery--Olympic brand "Flagstone". It's a really pretty gray, and we have a gallon of it just sitting and waiting to be applied to the walls!

We've also decided to rip the current carpet out of the room we'll use as the nursery, and replace with laminate wood flooring. Since we have pine throughout the rest of our house, we settled on Swiftlock Traditional Pine laminate flooring:

We ordered that yesterday and it should be here this coming Friday! Very exciting. Now we just have to find the time to paint, rip out carpeting, put in new flooring, assemble the crib, etc, etc...! Piece of cake (haha...)

Yesterday was a busy day for us, as we ran a ton of errands and also started our baby registry! We decided to register at Babies R Us, and I'm also registering on for items that aren't at Babies R Us, or even some items that you CAN buy at Babies R Us, but are cheaper on Amazon. It was a real chore yesterday, wandering through the store with the scanner, trying to figure out what we need and what we don't need. There's so much to think about and I'm sure I forgot a ton of stuff but we both got tired and knew we still had a lot errands ahead of us! We spent about and hour and a half there and when Casey started dragging his feet and staring at the ceiling I knew I had lost him and it was time to leave! I'm impressed though--we got a lot accomplished! When we got home I spent the rest of the night on the Babies R Us  and Amazon websites looking at reviews and modifying our registries. There's still a ton of things I haven't added, because I am just clueless and need advice first...but for the most part, I'm happy with where we're at so far!

I've been feeling more and more movement so that's really exciting! I made the mistake at our last appointment of asking the nurse whether it was still OK to sleep on my back--since I had read somewhere that as you get further along, laying on your back cuts off circulation to a major artery and restricts blood flow to the baby. The nurse suggested that I stop laying on my back if I can, and sleep on my side. Well wouldn't you know--sleeping on my back is still REALLY comfortable to me (more comfortable than my side) and I swear Casey wakes me up 4-5 times a night to say "Erin, don't lay on your back."  Some nights I could slap him! I wish I hadn't asked that question while he was in the room because now I can't lay on my back for more than 30 seconds without him telling me to roll over. It's cute shows he's looking out for me and Baby H :)

This past week I've been really tired (like, REALLY tired) but other than that, I can't complain. Everything is still good and like I've said before--most days I forget that I'm even pregnant--with the exception of it getting harder to stand up after sitting on the couch, and harder to lean forward and pick things up! 

That's all for now--and thanks to all the moms out there who have sent me emails and messages about things to register for and things I probably won't need. It's been a huge help...keep the suggestions coming! :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

20 Week Appointment

Hi everyone!

First of all, I'm feeling MOVEMENT! The other night I was laying in bed, on my back, and I kept feeling random pokes and jabs that I just COULDN'T blame on "digestion" or "hunger" anymore. I casually mentioned to Casey that I felt something moving around in there and he instantly put his hand on my stomach. Within 5 seconds he looked at me with huge eyes and said "Holy shit! Is it doing somersaults in there!?" It was so funny that to me it felt normal and to him--on the outside, it felt so prominent! That leads me to believe that I have felt movement over the last couple weeks, I just hadn't convinced myself that it was actually movement.  That was a big moment--both of us feeling the first official karate chops from Baby H :)

Yesterday was a busy, but great day! Our 20 week ultrasound wasn't scheduled until 2:30pm, and it was my Friday off, so I decided to make the most of my day and started off by getting my brows waxed, my hair cut (about 7 inches taken off!) and getting a pedicure! Then I met Casey at the Doctors office and we got checked in for our appointment. I'll start off with a couple pictures--one of me and Baby H at 20.5 weeks, and one of me with my new haircut!

(The bump is getting more pronounced!)

(I will miss my long hair, but even this morning waking up with it 7 inches shorter felt SO GOOD!)

As I was waiting for Casey in the parking lot of the Doctors office, a woman and her husband walked out to their car to leave. The woman looked like maybe she was about 7 months along--and she was BAWLING her eyes out. Her husband was trying to console her, but all she wanted to do was get in the car and sob. My heart immediately sank and I felt so awful, and so concerned. I didn't want to stare, but I couldn't help but glance over a few times since they were parked right next to me. Had she gotten unfavorable test results? Had her ultrasound gone badly? I will never know, but I will always remember how I felt when I saw her crying. And I can tell you one thing, the last thing I wanted to do was get out of my car and go IN to the building that she just came out crying from.

After we got checked in, they brought me to get weighed. UH-OH. The part I dread the most. I thought for sure in the last 4 weeks I had gained more than the "suggested" 4 pounds. I thought I had gained more along the lines of 5 or 6 (or maybe 7!). Much to my surprise, the scale said I had only gained 3! I love that scale! That makes my total gain 9 pounds at 20 weeks. I've been consistent with 3 pounds at each appointment (3 pounds at 12 weeks, another 3 at 16, and another 3 at 20). Looks like 3 is my lucky number. I quickly did the math in my head and figured if I gain 3 pounds at each of the next appointments--that would be another 15 pounds, plus the 9 I've gained would bring me to 24 pounds total for this pregnancy. Then I laughed hysterically because I know for a fact that's not realistic and I'm destined to gain a lot more than that! Time will tell.

My blood pressure, as usual, was sky high. 144/88. BUT, I brought my typed list of blood pressure readings from home to prove that my blood pressure is just peachy when I take it in the comfort of my own home. Before I left for the appointment, I took it and it was only 107/60! They didn't give me any grief--they just laughed and said as long as it's low or normal at home--they will chalk it up to nerves at the doctors office. Whew...

The doctor came in the room after a few minutes--one we hadn't met before--and she was really nice. She had a med student with her who was also very nice and just stood to the side during the entire appointment. The doctor asked if I had a preference for room temperature ultrasound gel or warmed up ultrasound gel. I literally laughed out loud because I thought she was joking. Apparently she wasn't--and I said I had no preference. She used room temperature and it felt just fine...I'm guessing some women have complained about the temperature of the gel and I'd like to meet those women because they obviously have way too much time on their hands if that's the type of thing they complain about...

As soon as she put the ultrasound "wand" on my stomach we could see Baby H, clear as day! It was incredible how much bigger he or she was than at 12 weeks! I reached my left arm over to hold Casey's hand as I was craning my neck to the right to see the screen. Those damn rooms are set up so awkward--it felt like Casey was practically behind me the whole time rather than right next to me. 

The appointment lasted about 20 or 25 minutes, with the doctor pointing out all the organs and vital parts of the baby. The brain, the stomach, the heart, the bladder, kidneys, legs, arms, hands, feet! It was so exciting to see everything, and Baby H was kicking up a storm! 

OH--flashback to last week--a conversation I had with Casey:

Me: "I've been doing some research and I bet I have an anterior placenta--where the placenta is in the front rather than behind or on the side...and that's probably why I haven't felt much for movement"

Casey: "Huh. That sounds gross."

(Yeah, that conversation didn't go very far).

Flash forward to the ultrasound, the doctor pointed out my placenta on the screen and announced that it was in the front. I said "OH! Isn't that considered an anterior placenta!?" She said yes and my suspicions were confirmed. Damn--I should be a doctor!

She said I should start feeling more and more movement now that baby is getting bigger. It makes me kind of sad that I will feel less movement than a pregnancy with the placenta in a more "normal" position, but an anterior placenta doesn't have any affect on the baby's health or my health, and doesn't cause any additional complications--and that's all that really matters to me!

The remainder of the appointment was basically big blobs on the screen with the doctor pointing out scientific terms and me nodding my head and saying "oh, ok" the whole time. I had no clue what any of the terms meant but after pointing each one out she would say "this looks great, it's perfectly normal", so that's a good sign. 

Every time she got down toward the leg area I would get a little squirmy because I was SO NERVOUS I was going to see something that would give away the gender. She knew we didn't want to know, so she casually said "I took a quick look at the gender and everything looks great and I won't tell you what it is!" I told Casey after the appointment that I thought I saw something that made me think boy, and he laughed and said he thought he saw something that made him think girl., we still don't know and we are so excited! I still think girl deep down in my heart, but I honestly have no clue whatsoever. And it's not driving me nuts either--I love the suspense!

Here are some pictures of perfectly healthy Baby H. We couldn't get any good face pictures because he or she always had a hand covering the face (camera shy and stubborn!) but as long as I know he or she is happy, healthy, and kicking around in there--I'm thrilled! I will say that it was extremely odd to see the legs and arms flailing around, and I couldn't feel it at all inside me. Creeeeepy!


(Face down, showing off spine)

 (the cutest little foot I've ever seen!)

 (Apparently in this one you can see an arm/hand, which I can see, but, the the doctor said face is in there somewhere, partially covered...I just don't see it...I think I do and then I don't)

That was our appointment in a nutshell. Everything looks good, Baby H is active and stubborn (uh-oh!) and the gender is still a surprise. Success!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Yeahhh! Baby H is officially half-baked as of today! (Disclaimer: This post is a little long winded---stop reading now if you’re already sick of it!)

I’ve made it to the halfway point of my pregnancy and I’m feeling great.

When I say I’m feeling great—I honestly mean it. I have no complaints; other than the silly “I cant find anything to wear” and the minor sciatic nerve/tailbone pain that seems to flare up every now and then.

I never suffered from morning sickness or crazy mood swings…I’m not overly emotional and I don’t have bizarre cravings….I honestly feel that I haven’t changed at all during this pregnancy—other than the obvious physical appearance changes. Some days I even forget that I’m pregnant! A few people at work have commented that I really look pregnant now, and that’s a relief to me. The awkward squishy stage might actually be over! (I think?)

I’d have to say the one thing that drives me nuts the most about being pregnant is the amount of people around me that are overly paranoid. I’m not the type of person to try and get out of doing things just because I’m pregnant. I still do *most* of the same things I did before I was pregnant. I re-arranged the spare bedroom furniture (much to Casey’s dismay) I still lug the laundry basket up and down the stairs, I still have a cup of coffee almost every morning, and I don’t think deli meat is going to kill me (even though I have no desire to eat any, I would if I had the urge!). I ALMOST changed the water jug on the water cooler at work the other day until I was caught and someone yelled at me. Come on people---it’s really NOT that big of a deal! Someone told me to take advantage of being pregnant but I’m not that type of person. If I’m having a bitchy day, I’m not going to blame it on being pregnant, and I’m certainly not going to have it be an excuse for why I cant do certain things. Obviously I’m not planning on going out skydiving or bungee jumping—but really, is it THAT big of a deal if I carry more than 3 bags of groceries at a time!?!?

And by the way, I reheat leftovers in PLASTIC CONTAINERS! Oh, the horror!

I am stealing the following questionnaire from my friend Genevieve, who documented each week of her pregnancy with these questions. I figured it would be appropriate at the halfway mark to chronicle what I’m feeling so far!

How far along: 20 weeks!

Total weight gain: about 10 pounds. EEK. I’m not sure where it all is because I don’t think I look like I’ve gained 10 pounds. Maybe I’m in denial…..Apparently 10 is normal for the halfway point so I am not too concerned!

How big is baby? Well I don’t know exactly what Baby H is, but at 20 weeks a baby is approximately 10.6 ounces, and 6.5 inches (from crown to rump) or 10.5 inches from crown to heel. Yes—I actually just got out a ruler and looked….that seems BIG! I can’t believe he or she is actually in there!

Maternity clothes? Still having a hard time finding maternity pants that are long enough but I broke down and ordered 4 pairs from Gap. My wallet doesn’t like me very much but it will be worth it if they actually fit! Otherwise, my Bella Bands have been lifesavers because I’ve still been able to wear my pre-pregnancy pants (just unbuttoned!)

Stretch marks? Nope, and Baby H promised not to give me any! (knock on wood).

Symptoms? I’m feeling perfectly fine!

Sleep? I have no problems sleeping! A lot of women at this point in pregnancy have trouble getting comfortable and get up constantly to pee. I, on the other hand, sleep the whole night through and never wake up! (And I don’t pee the bed either). I have no problems getting comfortable, and still sleep on my back for the most part. Some women also say that’s uncomfortable at this point too….I guess I’m an exception!

Best moment this week? Just knowing we made it to 20 weeks! Ultrasound on Friday—that will be the best moment this week, when we get to see Baby H again!

Movement? I still haven’t felt anything prominent where I can actually say “THAT was movement!” I feel little twinges every now and then (and Casey says he can feel it when he puts his hand on my stomach) but I SWEAR that is just digestion and my stomach growling. We are patiently waiting for that first real kick or punch!

Food cravings? Um, everything? Seriously, I have no food aversions. I’ll eat whatever! No weird cravings though, just regular food that everyone eats!

Labor signs? A little early for that!! None—and hopefully none for another 18+ weeks!

Belly button in or out? In. Hoping it stays in too—that just weirds me out!

Gender? Unknown, and will remain unknown until the day he or she makes an appearance!

What I miss: Buying cute “regular sized” clothes! Maternity clothing is pretty limited as far as selection goes—most days I feel like a frumpy old librarian.

What I am looking forward to: Our 20 week appointment on Friday, and also getting started on the nursery. We have the paint color picked out, the flooring picked out (I want to put wood floors in, and rip out the carpet). We’ve also picked out the crib (but haven’t ordered it yet) and I have a million other ideas running through my head!

Milestone: The fact that I am HALFWAY there! Can’t believe it!

You’re all probably sick of reading now so I’ll end here. I’ll try to update on Friday after our appointment. Fingers crossed that Baby H is healthy, perfect, and the doctor doesn’t slip and tell us the gender!