Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Yeahhh! Baby H is officially half-baked as of today! (Disclaimer: This post is a little long winded---stop reading now if you’re already sick of it!)

I’ve made it to the halfway point of my pregnancy and I’m feeling great.

When I say I’m feeling great—I honestly mean it. I have no complaints; other than the silly “I cant find anything to wear” and the minor sciatic nerve/tailbone pain that seems to flare up every now and then.

I never suffered from morning sickness or crazy mood swings…I’m not overly emotional and I don’t have bizarre cravings….I honestly feel that I haven’t changed at all during this pregnancy—other than the obvious physical appearance changes. Some days I even forget that I’m pregnant! A few people at work have commented that I really look pregnant now, and that’s a relief to me. The awkward squishy stage might actually be over! (I think?)

I’d have to say the one thing that drives me nuts the most about being pregnant is the amount of people around me that are overly paranoid. I’m not the type of person to try and get out of doing things just because I’m pregnant. I still do *most* of the same things I did before I was pregnant. I re-arranged the spare bedroom furniture (much to Casey’s dismay) I still lug the laundry basket up and down the stairs, I still have a cup of coffee almost every morning, and I don’t think deli meat is going to kill me (even though I have no desire to eat any, I would if I had the urge!). I ALMOST changed the water jug on the water cooler at work the other day until I was caught and someone yelled at me. Come on people---it’s really NOT that big of a deal! Someone told me to take advantage of being pregnant but I’m not that type of person. If I’m having a bitchy day, I’m not going to blame it on being pregnant, and I’m certainly not going to have it be an excuse for why I cant do certain things. Obviously I’m not planning on going out skydiving or bungee jumping—but really, is it THAT big of a deal if I carry more than 3 bags of groceries at a time!?!?

And by the way, I reheat leftovers in PLASTIC CONTAINERS! Oh, the horror!

I am stealing the following questionnaire from my friend Genevieve, who documented each week of her pregnancy with these questions. I figured it would be appropriate at the halfway mark to chronicle what I’m feeling so far!

How far along: 20 weeks!

Total weight gain: about 10 pounds. EEK. I’m not sure where it all is because I don’t think I look like I’ve gained 10 pounds. Maybe I’m in denial…..Apparently 10 is normal for the halfway point so I am not too concerned!

How big is baby? Well I don’t know exactly what Baby H is, but at 20 weeks a baby is approximately 10.6 ounces, and 6.5 inches (from crown to rump) or 10.5 inches from crown to heel. Yes—I actually just got out a ruler and looked….that seems BIG! I can’t believe he or she is actually in there!

Maternity clothes? Still having a hard time finding maternity pants that are long enough but I broke down and ordered 4 pairs from Gap. My wallet doesn’t like me very much but it will be worth it if they actually fit! Otherwise, my Bella Bands have been lifesavers because I’ve still been able to wear my pre-pregnancy pants (just unbuttoned!)

Stretch marks? Nope, and Baby H promised not to give me any! (knock on wood).

Symptoms? I’m feeling perfectly fine!

Sleep? I have no problems sleeping! A lot of women at this point in pregnancy have trouble getting comfortable and get up constantly to pee. I, on the other hand, sleep the whole night through and never wake up! (And I don’t pee the bed either). I have no problems getting comfortable, and still sleep on my back for the most part. Some women also say that’s uncomfortable at this point too….I guess I’m an exception!

Best moment this week? Just knowing we made it to 20 weeks! Ultrasound on Friday—that will be the best moment this week, when we get to see Baby H again!

Movement? I still haven’t felt anything prominent where I can actually say “THAT was movement!” I feel little twinges every now and then (and Casey says he can feel it when he puts his hand on my stomach) but I SWEAR that is just digestion and my stomach growling. We are patiently waiting for that first real kick or punch!

Food cravings? Um, everything? Seriously, I have no food aversions. I’ll eat whatever! No weird cravings though, just regular food that everyone eats!

Labor signs? A little early for that!! None—and hopefully none for another 18+ weeks!

Belly button in or out? In. Hoping it stays in too—that just weirds me out!

Gender? Unknown, and will remain unknown until the day he or she makes an appearance!

What I miss: Buying cute “regular sized” clothes! Maternity clothing is pretty limited as far as selection goes—most days I feel like a frumpy old librarian.

What I am looking forward to: Our 20 week appointment on Friday, and also getting started on the nursery. We have the paint color picked out, the flooring picked out (I want to put wood floors in, and rip out the carpet). We’ve also picked out the crib (but haven’t ordered it yet) and I have a million other ideas running through my head!

Milestone: The fact that I am HALFWAY there! Can’t believe it!

You’re all probably sick of reading now so I’ll end here. I’ll try to update on Friday after our appointment. Fingers crossed that Baby H is healthy, perfect, and the doctor doesn’t slip and tell us the gender!

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