Everyone tells me I've only gained it in my belly but personally I definitely see a difference in my face, arms, thighs, etc....! It's all worth it though, right? And temporary (I hope!)
I'm still feeling good for the most part except my sciatic nerve pain which has flared up now and then since 17 weeks has become practically unbearable at times! It doesnt start in my lower back and radiate down my legs--it is strictly in my left butt cheek and with every step I take it feels like someone is stabbing me. It hurts to walk, bend down, stretch, etc! And it's ONLY on my left side--which makes sense to me because most of the movement I feel is on my left side--so I'm guessing Baby H has settled right onto the nerve.
I called a local chiropractor/masseuse and have an appointment scheduled in a week. Hopefully I can make it another week! It seems to be the worst after I walk a lot, and after I sit or lie down for a long period of time and then stand up.
Oh well--if that's my main worry right now, I think I'm doing pretty well!
Casey's leg is healing and he was given the OK to put weight on it. He is still using crutches but will eventually (soon) be able to transition to just 1, and then eventually no crutches at all. He is still planning on going on his hunting trip to Ohio in 2 weeks so we'll see how that goes! I don't mind that he goes--in fact, I'm happy for him. He looks forward to that trip all year and it would have broken my heart (and his) if he had to miss it. I'm not nervous about being home and doing everything on my own for a week because I've been doing everything on my own for the last 8 weeks since he broke his leg! Laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc....it's been a challenge but we've managed and it could have been a lot worse! I see it as early preparation for when the baby gets here. I've never been so busy in my life as I have been these last 8 weeks, so I might as well just keep it going until baby gets here!
My craft show last weekend went GREAT and I made almost triple what I made last year! It went so well that I actually signed up for another craft show on November 12th! It's the day Casey gets back from Ohio so I know I'll want to spend the day with him--but, I'll go make us some extra cash instead :)
Baby H's room is coming along but I still have so much arranging and finishing up to do! I scored a beautiful FREE 8 drawer dresser on Craigslist and it just needs to be stripped and painted white to match the crib. I plan on doing that sometime this week. Then I can get all the clothes washed and dried and folded and put away, rather than piled on the floor like they currently are! Here's the FREE dresser I found:
I'm looking forward to seeing the room continue to come together. Once the dresser is stripped and painted, I will need to finish the crib bedding (the crib skirt and the other fitted sheets) and then hang the fabric embroidery hoops on the wall, and the mirror, etc. Whew...I'm glad I started this process EARLY because after Casey broke his leg, I sort of lost time for everything related to the baby room!
My 28 week appointment went great and I'm right on track as far as weight gain, measurements, etc. The heartbeat was a steady 140 as usual and our next appointment is on November 2nd, when I will be 32 weeks! I can't believe how fast time is flying by. Right now I have about 9 weeks left....with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner--it's going to come so fast!
We have baby class every Tuesday (this Tuesday will be the 4th class out of 5) and last week we went on a tour of the hospital. It made everything VERY real, and a little scary! I try not to think that far ahead but it's impossible not to. Where will I be when I go into labor? Will I know? Will I go too early and have a false alarm or will I wait too long and give birth on the way there? (Haha). Will I go before my due date, on my due date, or after my due date? Will it be a boy or a girl? Will I have an easy or hard labor? So many questions that won't be answered until that very day!!!
That's it for now! I'll update more later as more exciting things happen.