Let's see...where do I even begin? My last post ended with "We're off to a wedding tomorrow so I'll take my "almost 27 week" picture then"
Well, here it is!
That was back at 26.5 weeks....now I'm 28.5 weeks! 2 weeks makes a big difference, because here I am today:
Baby H is growing each day! He or she is pretty active when I lay down to go to sleep at night, but it never fails--whenever I say "Casey! Quick, feel right here!", he or she immediately stops! :) Stubborn....!
Anyway, the day after the wedding we attended a couple weeks ago--our friends Tyler and Lindsay invited us to lunch. My mom had mentioned that she wanted to meet their daughter (Finnley) who was just born in the end of May, so we planned on stopping by my parents house when we got home from lunch. We stopped at our house to let the boys out since they weren't too interested in going for some reason, and Lindsay, Finnley and I took off to my parents house. As we drove up the driveway, I noticed some random cars parked on the lawn and was a little confused, but I didn't think much about it until I looked at Lindsay who was driving and she said "I'm Sorry!!!" Still--I was confused, and had no idea what was going on!
Little did I know, I was arriving at my very own BABY SHOWER! What a surprise!!! I got out of the truck and was greeted by my dad, with tears in his eyes. He gave me a big hug and I proceeded to walk onto my parents porch which was filled with friends and family! To say I was shocked was an understatement...I didn't even know what to do! There was nothing that made me think I was having a shower that day....someone could have come right out and told me and I still wouldn't have believed them. It was the perfect day :) Looking back, I feel so silly that I just DIDN'T catch on!
My mom has one sister and one sister only--and she heads to Florida later this month. My mom wanted to have a shower that she could attend, so she put together the shower that day for a "small" group of family and a few friends. I say it was a small gathering but there were 25+ people there!
My brother snapped some pictures during the shower and here are a few for your viewing pleasure!
The adorable onesies and toys hanging on the clothesline :)
My mom did such a great job decorating!
The diaper wreath my mom made me :) Its so cute I don't want to take it apart!
My dad greeting me :)
The baby afghan my mom made me :)
Oh boy--what next!?
Yay! My in-laws got me the diaper bag I wanted!! It's beautiful!!
My brother and his girlfriend outdid themselves and got me an infant tub FILLED with clothes, toys, towels, bath supplies, etc!
My Aunt Colleen got me the most beautiful white rocking chair for Baby H!
So. Much. Food!
The sherbet punch...soooo delicious!
The incredible cake my dads coworker made, to match the plates and napkins!
My mom, me, and my mother-in-law
I am such a lucky girl! I was surrounded by people I love for the afternoon and everyone was so generous with their gifts. It was something I wasn't expecting and I was so overwhelmed! I feel like I didn't get a chance to chat with everyone, but I just didn't know what to do or where to be or what to do next! We got so many things...from clothes, to toys, to a highchair, pack and play, diaper bag, blankets, diapers, bottles, stuffed animals, rocking chair, bouncer, bath, etc!! We are so lucky and appreciate it so much!
I haven't done anything more to the nursery--mainly because it looks like THIS right now:
Oh my! I have some serious organizing to do!
Otherwise, life is good! Casey's leg is healing and he is currently at 5 weeks post-surgery. We have an appointment for him next Thursday where he can begin putting weight on that leg and ankle...and take a few steps! He's made huge progress and things are getting easier each day.
As for me, I have my 28 week appointment tomorrow to hear Baby H's heartbeat which is always exciting! Not looking forward to getting weighed since I believe I hit the 20 pound mark, but it's all worth it! (I try to keep telling myself that!!)
I've been feeling good, although my back has been hurting by the time I go to bed each night. But, I literally sleep like I'm in a coma, and I have never had to get up in the night and go pee. (Not a single time since I've been pregnant!) Is that really rare or something?? Everyone I talk to says they were up multiple times a night and couldn't get comfortable or sleep at all at this point in pregnancy. Maybe I'm lucky, or maybe I just haven't made it to that point yet!
I've been busy preparing for a craft show I'm participating in, so that's taken up most of my free time lately. It's something I look forward to, though--and I hope to make some extra cash!
That's it for now. I can't believe there are only 11.5 weeks left....my pregnancy has FLOWN by! With the holidays mixed in there I'm sure the end will fly by too!

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