Let's see--what's happened since last time I posted?
I passed my 3 hour glucose test! YAAH! I am so relieved and excited. I was really nervous about that one....I failed the 1 hour test miserably, but I guess you shouldn't dwell on the numbers too much--its pass or fail, and apparently even if you fail miserably you can still pass the 3 hour test. Whew...one less thing to worry about.
Casey's leg is doing alright but he still has very limited movement and spends his days on the couch, bed, or recliner. He is up and around a little more than he has been--but his max is still about 2 hours and then he has to go lay back down since his foot turns weird colors and swells and throbs. We're making progress, though. Today marks the 3 week anniversary of his surgery so in another 3 weeks he should be able to put some weight on it. Slowly but surely....
The nursery is coming along GREAT! I assembled the crib (by myself!) a couple weeks ago and it's beautiful!
All of my pieces
All of my tools!
Whew, this is a breeze!
Finished product---LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!
After I applied the wall decals (also by myself--very proud!)
I adore everything about these decals!
The mobile back in place
The crib bedding I made! All that's left is the crib skirt which will be finished after my fabric order arrives. The skirt will be the same fabric as the bumpers.
Ahhh....I feel like I've made so much progress! I have other fabrics for 4 other fitted sheets, and I'll get to those eventually!
I made these really cute fabric embroidery hoops and they will be staggered on the wall above the bureau/changing table (once I find one!) Oh, and of course the mobile I made too!
I had another foot swelling issue and I can honestly say I have never seen my feet so swollen in my entire life! I had absolutely no ankles whatsoever and they HURT! My shins kind of molded into my ankles and my ankles molded into my feet. They were puffy, squishy, achy, and just plain UGLY! Fortunately it lasted for about 3 days and this morning they're slowly going back to "normal". I still can't see my ankle bones, but hopefully relaxing today and having them elevated will help.
We're off to a wedding tomorrow so I'll take my "almost 27 week" picture then :) We'll see how Casey holds up--the wedding is about 40 minutes from our house and if Casey can only have his leg down for about 2 hours max, it should be interesting to see how long he lasts....!
More later!