While I'm happy to say my foot swelling went down and I can see my ankle bones again--Casey, unfortunately, can't see his!
I got a phone call last Saturday night, around 8:30pm, that Casey was on his way to the ER because he broke his leg. Long story short, he was at a get-together with friends--reached to grab/pick up one of his friends--tore a major ligament in his ankle/lower leg--and because of that--fell and broke 2 bones. He was one of 2 sober people there--and HE is the one who broke his leg...just our luck!
Anyway--I met him at the ER that night and they did x-rays, put a splint on, and fortunately did not have to re-align the leg. I must say that his threshold for pain is incredible--he was still his normal smiling self and when they said they were going to give him pain meds before they took his boot off--he told them to just take it off. They did--and he didn't even flinch! (I, on the other hand, thought I was going to pass out!)
We got home around 2am the next morning and it was a long night. Sunday through Wednesday were long days and nights as well, as Casey was in quite a bit of pain and I was being his maid--getting him water, food, helping him out of bed to go to the bathroom, getting him comfortable, waking him up to take his pain meds, etc...
We had an appointment on Wednesday with the Orthopedic Surgeon since it was up in the air as to whether he would need surgery or not. As we suspected, it was determined that he did need surgery since the ligament was torn and the bones were separated. Surgery was scheduled for Friday.
He couldn't have anything to eat or drink after midnight on Thursday and I felt terrible for him on Friday since his surgery wasn't until 2pm and he was starving and wanted a sip of water so badly!!!
The surgery went great and they needed to put in a plate with screws in the fibula and also a screw going through the fibula and tibia. We came home the night of the surgery, even though we were encouraged to stay. Casey decided he'd rather be in pain in the comfort of his own home rather than at the hospital. He had a spinal rather than anesthesia and IV pain meds, so it took a while for him to be able to feel his legs and move his toes--but he came out of it very well. He had a bad experience with anesthesia and IV pain meds in the past (got very sick from it) so he decided to go with the spinal this time.
The pain was awful that first night but we managed to get it under control with the pain meds he was prescribed. It was a very long first night at home after the surgery as we had to wake up every few hours for him to take the meds. He's in a big puffy splint thing now, and in 10 days we will go for a follow-up where they will take that off and put on one of those big black boots. He can't put any weight on it for 6 weeks.
He feels terrible, but like I keep telling him--it was an accident! It could have happened to anyone, and it could have happened while he was jumping off a ladder at work or something as simple as that. It was just the way the leg twisted.
I think he feels the worst about the fact that I'm almost 6 months pregnant and I'm taking care of HIM, while he feels it should be the other way around. I've had a really easy pregnancy so far (knock on wood) so I'm perfectly fine being his maid for as long as he needs me to be. He would do the same for me! By the time he's back to "normal" they're estimating it will be about 12 weeks. I'll be about 35 or 36 weeks pregnant at that point.....!
That's what the past week has consisted of for me. I'm trying to balance being a caretaker at home, still working a 40 hour week, and still trying to keep our house clean and laundry done and dishes washed. I'm exhausted but so thankful that we're only dealing with a broken leg--not something worse.
Hoping for a quick recovery for Casey as he is already antsy and it's only been a week. It drives him crazy that he cant get up and around!
We have my 24 week appointment on Friday where I'll have the glucose test. I may have to go by myself since I don't know if Casey will be able to get up and around by then...but it's not an ultrasound appointment or anything so it's ok.
Sorry for no updated pics of me and Baby H....I have barely had time to take a shower, let alone take a picture of myself!

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