The last picture I posted--and the last post I wrote--was 2 weeks ago! I'm now 32.5 weeks and have less than 8 weeks until my due date! As of November 1st I can officially say that Baby H is due "NEXT MONTH!" Wow...seems surreal to say that....
Here is the most up-do-date picture of "us"
Not sure how much bigger I'll be getting in the next 7 weeks but I hope not TOO much bigger....everyday tasks like bending down to pick something up or even getting up out of a chair are starting to seem like struggles with my big belly in the way.
Here's another fun picture to show my progression since 14.5 weeks--every 2 weeks up until now at 32.5 weeks! Crazy how much things change every couple weeks....I miss my 14.5 week body...haha! Soon enough, I hope to get it back....

Last time I posted I talked about my excruciating sciatic nerve pain on my left side that I had been battling since 17 weeks, but got unbearable during weeks 29-31. I had a chiropractor appointment made and everything....and one morning early last week--I woke up, rolled out of bed, took a step, and said "Casey! I can walk!!" It was such a relief...I wasn't hobbling around like a 90 year old woman, I wasn't flinching with every step I took....I was pain free! Knock on wood, it has remained that way since that morning. My guess is that the baby moved off the sciatic nerve and will hopefully stay that way for the remainder of the pregnancy. I canceled my chiropractor appointment because last week was just WAY too busy. Now, lets hope the pain doesn't come back!
We had our 32 week appointment this week and all looked well. I took my blood pressure before I left home because I knew it would be high at the doctors office. At home it was 106/60, and when they took it there it was 140/88! I wasn't surprised...but the doctor wanted to be safe and test my urine for protein to rule out preeclampsia. Fortunately, it tested negative! (Knock on wood....)
I asked the doctor if she could tell the position of the baby by feeling my stomach and she said she would be willing to bet that he or she has turned head down. She was explaining that she could feel the head way down low, the butt and back curled up on my left side (where I always feel the most movement) and the hands and feet hanging out over on the right side, where I feel random pokes and jabs. Whew! She said generally when they turn head down, they stay that way for the remainder of the pregnancy. Lets hope he or she cooperates and doesn't decide to reposition again! I'm feeling so much movement and really enjoy laying and watching my stomach morph and twist and turn :) I will miss that!
Baby H's heartbeat was a steady 140 as usual (it's always been 140-145) and I'm measuring right where I should be. I've gained 26 pounds so far (!!) and am going to really try and watch what I eat for the next 7 weeks. If I gain a pound a week like they suggest, I will end up right around 35 pounds total which is considered normal--but I have to get through Thanksgiving and Christmas....that's just cruel! :) I dont "feel" like I've gained that much...and it baffles me since Baby H is only about 3-4 pounds right now....but, whatever, as long as we're both healthy I guess that's all that matters!
I will say that I have been VERY paranoid about preeclampsia lately. Some days my hands, feet, and face feel swollen and I can't get any of my rings on, and ALL my socks and shoes leave indents on my feet. However, I think I've chalked that up to foods with too much sodium because some days I'm perfectly fine. Just another joy of a pregnancy reaching the end, I guess.
We finished up our baby classes this week and I will say that I found them VERY helpful!! I feel more prepared (and maybe a little more scared!) but overall I am so glad we signed up and took the 5 week session. We also met some great people that we hope to keep in touch with!
Last time I posted I also mentioned that we scored a FREE 8-drawer dresser on Craigslist:
And I am proud to say that after a lot of blood, sweat and tears (ok maybe it wasn't THAT bad...) we refinished it by stripping the varnish and adding a few coats of white paint! Look how perfectly it turned out!
I couldn't be happier with how it looks now! It looks like a brand new dresser and you can see so many more details than you could when it was the dark stain. Now I can finally wash all the teeny baby clothes, fold them, and store them in the dresser--rather than having them piled up on the floor--where they've been since my shower 5 weeks ago! And now I can re-arrange the rest of the room and start hanging things on the wall....eeeek! It's becoming so real!
You'll also notice the quality of the brown dresser picture is terrible, whereas the quality of the white dresser picture is great. That's because I've hopped on the iPhone bandwagon! I don't think I've put that phone down for more than 10 minutes since I've had it...haha! I love that thing.....
In other news, Casey's healing leg/ankle is progressing and he can now walk without crutches! Well--a few steps here and there, anyway. He still uses 1 for balance and usually still uses 2 when we go out somewhere. However, it's HUGE progress and I would say in a few more weeks he will be able to walk (or limp) totally crutch free. What a long, exhausting ride it's been. Tomorrow night marks the 10 week anniversary of when he broke it. TEN WEEKS. Can you imagine not being able to walk for 10 weeks? I can't.....and it makes my heart break for people who can't walk at all....something we take for granted each and every day....
Speaking of Casey--he left for his Ohio hunting trip yesterday! I hope he doesn't overdo it and I hope he is still able to enjoy himself even though he can't really "hunt" like he usually does. He will probably set up in the corner of a field and hunt from there. No treestands or climbing for him! I'm so glad he was able to go this year. It would have crushed him if he had to stay home...he looks forward to this trip every single year, and this year out of any year--I think he needed it the most. Just to get away, clear his mind, and relax. He's been stuck in the house for so long that the fresh air will do him good! I'll be fending for myself for the next 10 days but it's ok with me....I've "run the house" for the last 10 weeks so what's another 10 days? Haha...
That's all for now. We have our next doctors appointment at 34 weeks (every 2 weeks now, rather than every 4!) and after 36 weeks it will be every week! I can't believe how fast time is flying. We better pick out some names, huh? That's a whole other topic....we aren't sharing baby names since we want it to be a surprise--but even if we were sharing the names, we don't have any picked out! We have a very short list that changes every chances are, this baby will just be named Baby H for the rest of his or her life :)
More later! Happy Friday!