This past week was pretty busy for me since I'm preparing for another craft show. The show is tomorrow, and I feel pretty well set--so now I have a chance to sit down and relax!
Casey has been gone (hunting trip in Ohio) for a little over 8 days now, and he wont be back until it's been pretty quiet and lonely around my house! The cat doesn't talk much, and all Baby H does is kick and jab me :) Being alone was nice for a day or 2....but I'm ready for him to come home! I'm one of the lucky ones who actually enjoys and WANTS to spend time with my husband....I know that's a concept that some people find hard to grasp--but I actually enjoy being with him, and would rather be with him than anywhere else! I don't "look forward" to him going on his hunting trips--because I miss him! I always hate when people say "oh give it a few years, you'll be GLAD he's gone for a week!" because I just don't think that's true....we've been together for almost 10 years now and I've never looked forward to him leaving! I guess I'm just lucky I found someone I care about so much :)
Last time I posted, I mentioned the dresser we refinished was all done! Well the nursery was a WRECK due to all the gifts from my first shower....and when the dresser was finished I felt that I could finally go through and wash all the clothes and blankets and get them folded and put in the dresser. what I had for laundry that day!
The room was an absolute disaster area--but I went through and found a home for everything--and the room eventually turned into THIS:
Not's getting there! I still need to make a curtain or valance, and hang the fabric embroidery hoops I made...and the mirror...and some other wall stuff....and finish the bookcase and get it in there....ok--so I guess I still have a lot to do!
ANYWAY--I was feeling good about the progress I had made, and then the next day my parents had invited me to breakfast with them and my grandma. We went, and on the way home my mom mentioned she had to drop something off at the school for the Harvest Dinner. I didn't think anything of it, and we pulled in, and then I noticed I recognized a lot of the cars in the parking lot!! Then it clicked....I think I was tricked and brought to another surprise shower!!
Sure enough, I walked in to friends and family, all gathered together to celebrate Baby H :) I felt so loved!!
Unfortunately I did't get a ton of pictures, but my friends Jess and Lindsay, my mom, and my in-laws, did a wonderful job planning and decorating and surprising me once again!
Here are some snapshots from the day--no pictures of me or any guests though---oops!
DELICIOUS cupcakes supplied by Lindsay, and adorable printables made by Jess!
I got so many kind words on these "advice for mommy-to-be" printables that Jess made...and this one from my friend Caitlin made me laugh so much!
Another great idea, by Jess. "Wishes for Baby"....I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry when I went through and read what all my guests filled out....Baby H has some very loving people in his or her life!
So much delicious food! Too bad I was full from breakfast already!
Jess made the CUTEST invitations--I love them!
My table of gifts, and the Welcome banner made by Lindsay. Too cute!
So yes--it was a such a surprise--and I had a wonderful day. And after spending the previous day cleaning the nursery and getting it spotless--it once again turned into THIS, after the shower!
It's all worth it, though! So many kind gifts, so many generous people....I feel so lucky!
Tomorrow is the craft show, Sunday is relaxing, Monday Casey gets home (YAY!) Tuesday is our 34 week appointment, Thursday is an infant care class we're taking, and then the following week it's already Thanksgiving! BUSY!!!
That's all for now....I'll update again after our 34 week appointment, and will post an updated Erin & Baby H belly picture next week as well :)

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