Here's the latest pic of me and the little guy or girl, at 38.5 weeks:
As you can see--baby has dropped quite drastically!
I'm still feeling incredibly well--knock on wood. I'm still sleeping fine, moving around fine, etc. I don't have any complaints....and can honestly say I will miss being pregnant!
We had our 38 week appointment on Monday and much to our surprise, I was already 2cm dilated and 80% effaced! I was thinking MAYBE I would be 1cm dilated and maybe 50% effaced....but no--I'm beyond that! It's so strange, though--because I havent had any (painful) contractions yet...AT ALL! My mom said she doesn't remember any strong contractions until right before labor/delivery--and we have had very similar pregnancies--so I guess when I get a strong contraction I better assume it's happening! :)
Our next appointment is in a few days--on Monday. I'll get checked again for progress....fingers crossed I've dilated more. We'll see!!
Baby is still active as ever...tossing and turning...letting me know he or she is in there waiting to meet us!
Things are slowly getting crossed off my "list" of things to do. Casey installed the carseat base and mirror into my car last night...the nursery is pretty much DONE....I still need to finish packing the hospital bag (I better do that ASAP), and I need to finish wrapping Christmas gifts also.
10 can remember the day we found out we were pregnant. It feels like yesterday! Now all of a sudden the end is in sight. I know I say this almost every post--but it's exciting and scary all at the same time.
I still have my occasional meltdowns of "oh my god, how am I ever going to handle this" and "am I going to be a good mom" and "I am going to miss my space and free time" but slowly I'm getting more and more excited. I am just such an independent person that all I can focus on is that this is going to be the biggest and hardest adjustment of my life! It sounds selfish, I know--but I think every pregnant woman goes through those same thoughts. Maybe some more than others...
Well I better go cross some more things off my to-do list before it's too late :)
I'll update again after Monday's appointment. Who knows...maybe we won't even make it until Monday's appointment!

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