Baby H and I are 36.5 weeks along now!! Only 3.5 weeks (maybe more, maybe less!) to go! I can't believe how fast time is flying. I know I say that all the time--but it's true. So many women complain that their pregnancies felt like they dragged on forever, but I can honestly say mine has gone so quickly!
Here's the latest picture--taken today:
And also, the latest update to the progression/timeline picture:
We had our 36 week appointment on Monday and it went pretty well. I made sure to take my blood pressure at home that day and it was 107/77. However, when they took it at the appointment it was 160/90!
The results of my 24 hour urine collection came back fine. My blood labs were also fine. They had me do another urine sample during my appointment and that also came back fine--but still, they were hung up on my blood pressure number. It's so frustrating because I know its just my nerves and the fact that I get so anxious during doctors appointments. Always have, probably always will.
Anyway--everything is measuring right on target...Baby was estimated to be 6 pounds even during the ultrasound, and the measurements of the head, thigh bone, stomach, etc are all on target for where he or she should be at 36 weeks! I've gained 26 pounds (as of Monday) so I'm happy with that....I'm trying to be careful during these last few weeks so I don't go out of control, like I know I could!
At the end of the appointment, the doctor mentioned that if my blood pressure is still high at upcoming appointments, or gets higher (even if its fine at home) they may consider induction between 39 and 40 weeks, if I haven't gone into labor on my own by then. The thought of that completely stresses me out and I can only imagine what my blood pressure will be at my next appointment since I will be so freaked out about it. *sigh*....we're taking it week by week now.....
I still feel like I have so much to do before Baby gets here. In fact, the night that we got home from our 36 week appointment, I totally lost it and had a major meltdown. I cried over EVERYTHING. The fact that I was frustrated with my blood pressure, the fact that I don't want to stress about being induced, the fact that if I'm induced a week early--thats a week less that I have to prepare.....I started thinking about how in a matter of weeks I will go from only caring for myself to caring for a BABY that I have no idea how to take care of...I was a mess....a complete mess!! I feel better now....but boy, that was a rough night!
I feel so selfish saying this, but I feel more nervous and anxious than excited at this point. Will I be able to do this? Will it come to me naturally? How will I be able to handle such a huge transition? My life is never, ever going to be the same.
I'm 27 years old and I've spent 10 of those years with Casey. It's always been the 2 of us (and our cat, of course!) We've been able to do what we want, when we want, without really thinking twice. about 25 days to be exact--we will have a brand new responsibility--that we are responsible for for the rest of our lives! I'm petrified!
I know deep down that I'll be fine....we'll be fine....and that these feelings are normal....but's hit me all at once! Back in the beginning I was focused on the silly things...what color to paint the nursery, what to register for......and now reality is really sinking in that this is HAPPENING.....and it's so close! I told Casey I felt more ready 2 years ago than I feel now--but he says it's just because it's here now. He's right....of course....
In less stressful news, I've been working more and more on the nursery and have made more progress. We're almost done now!
The room was looking GREAT! Until it suddenly became the "Christmas Shopping Room" where I've decided to store all my now has reverted back to THIS:
I swear....I'll get it cleaned out eventually.....hopefully before the baby gets here!
In other exciting news--we had a maternity photo session with the very talented Maegan from Mae Memories Photography this past weekend, and here are 5 preview pictures from our session. I love them and can not WAIT to see more!!
AND, I've now had THREE surprise baby showers! My coworkers threw one for me yesterday and I was so surprised! Who has 3 showers!? Lucky girls like me, apparently :) I didn't take many pictures--but here are a few...
Food, fruit salad baby carriage, cute!
A very blurry picture of me in the elevator--going down to the surprise. You can see something on the floor of the elevator--those were little pink and blue baby footprint cut-outs! Adorable...! They led me to the elevator, and then down to the conference room. Such a cute idea!'s been busy since I posted last!
Our next appointment is Monday (we're doing weekly appointments now!! EEK!) and I will be 37 weeks. Wow.....
I think we've decided on a boy name and a girl name (and no, we aren't telling!) so that's a relief. Well, I say that now but we'll probably change our mind again! I still have no feeling one way or the other...although the other night I was convinced it was a BOY, but then when I woke up in the morning I was back to feeling completely 50/50! I love makes it even more exciting and even more of a surprise!
Ok, enough for now. I'll post more after our next appointment. Fingers crossed that I can control my blood pressure and they don't mention the "I" word again....(induction). I just want everything to happen on its own!

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