Thursday, June 30, 2011

1st "Belly Picture"

Ok, ok...I finally broke down and did it....I took a picture of my "belly" this morning. With a shirt on, of course....I'm not really into the bare belly don't be looking forward to any of those from me! :)

I'm about 14.5 weeks now and sometimes I feel like I'm showing and sometimes I don't. This morning, is one of those days where I don't. (Which is ok with me!)

Keep in mind this was taken right when I got up this morning and got dressed...I find that usually when I first get up, I have a relatively flat stomach, but as the day progresses, I slowly get more and more bloated and pudgy feeling! By the end of the day--I look NOTHING like the picture's like a magic trick...a really cruel magic trick!

Please don't mind my disgustingly dirty mirror. I tried every trick in the book to get this shot...Bathroom mirror, other bathroom mirror, bedroom mirror with flash, bedroom mirror without flash...and this is the best shot I could get. Also don't mind the fact that my legs look like they're about 10 feet long. I have such a short torso, I'm afraid of what this pregnancy is going to make me look like--there will be nowhere for my belly to go but OUT--or ALL OVER THE PLACE.

I may or may not be sucking in and holding my breath a little bit also (ha!) habit when I have my picture taken. Hey, I'm gonna suck it in until I can't anymore! Oh and I should also say, after this picture I immediately took the tight shirt off and put on a loose one...not really liking the tight shirts these days...they're just good for picture purposes!

14.5 weeks--Baby H is in there somewhere:


  1. YAY!!! I was wondering if you would do this or not :) I already love little Baby H and just can't wait to smooch him/her all up when he/she arrives!!!!
